Biography – Outside Of Football
It is very important to stress that Adam was much more than a footballer. Football was a big part of Adam’s life but his family always came first. If Adam was a role model on the pitch it is fair to say he was an excellent role model off the pitch as well. John and Di Lee of the East Devon Grecians supporters group summed this up well, recalling the first time the East Devon Grecians met the player they would go on to sponsor:
“Adam entered the Flybe suite with one of his children on his shoulders, followed by the rest of his family. We did not know at the time what a loving Father and husband he was. He came across as a very unassuming man, yet with a dry sense of humour. Stanno was always our sponsored player and he came down to Sidmouth to a packed house at the War Memorial Club. Most players visit us with a colleague, but not Adam. He brought his wife. We had an enjoyable evening with a resume of his career, how he could have stayed in the Football League but choose City and some amusing anecdotes of life as a footballer. When asked what his interests were outside of the game, his answer was succinct, family life.”
Adam married Marie on the 2nd of June 2001. Marie was the love of Adam’s life and he was a very proud and happy man on his wedding day. It was not long before the family grew and Adam and Marie went on to have three wonderful boys, Jay, Taylor and Cody. Jay at 7 yrs of age is already showing great promise and has the potential to follow in his Fathers footballing footsteps. (Update as of August 2023 – Jay spent last season on loan from parent club Fulham FC wearing his Dad’s number 9 shirt at Exeter City. He continues to live his dream of being a professional footballer and we are all excited to see where his career takes him. Jay is also the Patron of the Foundation and Taylor and Cody are both growing up to be young men that Adam would of been so very proud proud of, as we all are also. Read more about Jays role as Patron here.)
Adam was very proud of his family as were his family of him. He touched the hearts of so many people and will be greatly missed but fondly remembered by all who met him, but especially his family who loved him so much.
Adam was a great Husband, Father, Son, Brother, Grandson and Uncle. As Roger Stansfield, Adam’s father said at Adam’s funeral, where thousands stood in the rain to pay their respects and say goodbye:
“All this for a young lad from Tiverton who kicked a ball for a living.”
Adam was so much more than a professional footballer, that was his job, his family was his life.